Acumen Publishing sold to Taylor & Francis

(May 2014)

Bertoli Mitchell is pleased to announce the sale of Acumen Publishing (Acumen) to Taylor & Francis (part of Informa Plc) on 2 May 2014. Bertoli Mitchell acted on behalf of Acumen's shareholders, helping to structure the transaction, and providing strategic and commercial advice throughout the process.

Founded by Steven Gerrard in 1998, Acumen has highly regarded lists in philosophy, religion, classical studies and history of ideas for students, lecturers and researchers in institutions of higher education worldwide.

Acumen publishes across its subjects at all levels – from semi-popular works (e.g. the seminal Art of Living series), to multi-volume reference works (e.g. its award winning 8-volume History of Continental Philosophy), but the core of its list is the university level dual edition.

Authors, who are drawn from the UK, North America and throughout the world, include Raymond Tallis and Mary Midgley. The Philosophers' Magazine (acquired in 2011) is a leading destination for the global student and general-interest philosophy community, with over 10 million page views in 2013.

Steven Gerrard commented: "I'm delighted that the Acumen list and its authors have found such a good home with one of the world's leading humanities publishers. That T&F wanted to acquire us reflects the quality of our publishing, that they were able to do so is down to Bertoli Mitchell."


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